Find Agent By Neighborhood, City, County

Find Agent By Neighborhood, City, County

Find Agent By Neighborhood, City, County

This workbook helps you find out who the top agents are within a specific geographic area. This workbook displays every agent who has done business in selected areas during a selected time. 

When you log in to Tableau you will Begin by selecting the workbook and we'll see these three pages: place, neighborhood and county. 


This sheet displays every place in the MLS you're in. A place is defined in our system as a city, village or town that is incorporated. So this excludes unincorporated areas. 

To isolate a specific place, you can use the interactive map tools to zoom and pan to find the place you would like to view. You can even select multiple places to take a look at a region by holding down the Ctrl key while you click on each place you would like to include.

When you have your desired place or places selected you will have a list of the Agents that have closed production in this area as well as how many sides and their volume credit for that chosen area. You will also have their total columns volume for the rolling 12-month period and the total percent of their overall production that's represented in this geography. 

If you hover over an agent’s volume credit you can see the office where this agent worked. If you see an asterisk that means the agents production came from two different offices meaning they moved offices during that select a time frame. 

There is also the MLS selecter at the top right. This allows you to isolate which MLS you would like to look at if you're in more than one MLS in our system, this reduces the chance of duplicate listings as MLS is can often overlap. 

If we go to the next page you can see that we are now viewing the neighborhoods in your MLS these neighborhoods are actually geographies set up by Zillow software package that was made available to the public. This feature is useful for looking at big cities and gives us the ability to narrow down to an agent production in a more specific geographic area and results are shown on the right side just as they were on the last page. 

Lastly, we have the county view. This is one of the simplest views that we have as you can point and click and control to combine counties and regions. 

Now remember this workbook is specifically for looking at production by agent in each of these areas and if you're interested in looking at the overall production by Office or company you'll need to take a look at our Market stats workbook. 
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