Agent Data

Agent Data

How to Understand the Relitix Data

The Data: 

  • The first metric is the agents name and the MLS ID number. 

  • Then you have their first and last name 

  • Total closed volume in dollars 

  • Year over year increased production in dollars 

  • If your report includes newer agents, you'll have a metric here called the rookie potential rating. This rating tells the probability that this agent will still be in the business in their fourth year in business and that they'll be closing more than 3 million in volume

  • Year over Year increase and in percent (volume).  

  • Co-Broke percentage is the percentage of this agents transactions in the last 12 months where an agent from one of your offices was on the other side. 

  • The closed sides and closed transactions metrics may seem similar. However, if this agent, co-sells or co-buys with another agent, we give them a credit for half a side. That is where you may see a difference between sides and total transactions. 

  • You then have the listing side percentage, that's the percentage of their overall transactions where this agent was on the listing side,

  • The list to sell ratio metric tells us the percentage of the listing price that the agent got for their listings. 

  • Average days on market. 

  • The Number of Co-list partners tells you how many other agents they have Co-listed or co-bought with within the last 12 months 

  • The New Listings, Pending Listings and Current listings metrics speak to this agent's ability to generate and carry listings.

  • The managing broker flag is available in only certain markets.

  • Team member of metric. Our algorithms are constantly synthesizing listing data to parse out who is on teams. If this agent is flagged as being part of a team, it will be identified here. 

  • Then we have the information about where they work. Office/city 

  • Their first transaction in that office.

  • Current office productivity is the average number of transactions that each agent in that office closes in 12 months. This gives you a good way to compare this specific individual's productivity with other agents in their office. 

  • Company name

  • First MLS transaction date. This metric can help you identify if you are looking at a new or a veteran agent.

  • Primary county that they close business 

  • Their contact information.

  • Office match. This tells you which office of yours is the best to recruit this agent into based upon where they closed their business geographically.

  • The distance metric takes the geographic center point of their business and notes the distance that point is from your office and the office they currently work out of. 

  • The Switch Pattern Match is another metric that comes from our machine learning algorithms. It compares the behavior of this agent to the behavior of agents that have switched offices and gives us the likelihood that this agent will switch offices in the next three months. 

    • Green means they are not more likely than the average agent to switch offices. 

    • Yellow: Agent is five times more likely than the average agent to switch offices in the next 3 months

    • Red means that there are ten times more likely than the average agent to switch offices in the next three months.

  • The listing effectiveness grade gives each agent a grade based upon how well they handle the listings that they have. 

    • This is based upon their listings over the last 6 to 18 months and Greens. All the agents in the MLS on a curve. The top 20% of agents in the MLS get an A and the bottom 20% get an F.

  • The listing effectiveness impact assigns a dollar amount to this agent’s effectiveness with listings by comparing the volume they closed on their listings to what an average agent would have closed for those same listings.

    •  If there is a high negative number, this agent most likely had a high priced listing, cancel or expire.

  • Five year batting average. This takes the number of listings that agent has held over the last five years and shows you the percentage of those that were actually closed.

Please reach out to if you have any questions on this or anything else in our system.

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