Agent Rosters

Agent Rosters

The Office Roster Workbook

This workbook is a great way for you to take a look at individual offices in your MLS and the production of their agents in those offices. 

First you will need to log into the system with your credentials. You can either do this by going to and click on log in at the top of the page, or you can go straight to

You will then find the agents rosters, workbook and you can start by clicking on roster by office.

You will see right away that the results are on the left and your filters are on the right. These filters should look pretty familiar to you if you've spent time in our system. If we filter this down, we can select a company and look at all the agents that work at that company. 

I can even change the date range to get these results for a very specific time. 

There are six columns here displayed on the right. After you select an office the first column is the agents’ production as a percent of the total office volume. The second column is the running total of these percentages. It is the total percentage of volume that is done by the agent and the agents that have done more than that agent. So for example, If you look at the third row, you will see the percentage of their production in that office that is represented by the top three agents that work there. We call this the production concentration. Looking at this column alone, you can see how this can inform your recruiting conversations with agents from these offices. 

The next three columns represent.The volume, sides and transactions that these percentages represent.The final column here gives you a median closed price for that agent. This will help to give you a very good at a glance understanding of what price ranges these agents and their offices are working in.

Moving on to the next tab, you will see the pareto view. We call this based upon the pareto principle or the 80/20 rule. 

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes. We call this the vital few. So this view shows you a chart of the production by agent. This is the exact same as the numbers we saw in the last tab but, this time you have the orange line that represents the running total of volume represented in the second column on the first screen. The steeper this line is, the more concentrated the volume is between agents. The 80% line is here that helps you to see how quickly the office gets to 80% of the production spread across its agents.

Next we have the office averages tab. Keep in mind when you're looking at this page that the averages are based on the date range that selected and not a rolling 12 months. Again you will have your filters on the right.

 As you can see, right now the only office I have selected is visible. You can see across the top the columns that show the volume in that office, the number of sides and the number of active agents that contributed to that. You can see the active Closings averaged per agent and the average number of sides close per agent we can change.The filters to view the averages of various offices next to each other. If you wanted to see how all of this company's offices are doing and how the company's overall business is distributed along with the grand total on top.You can also isolate these results by property type and subtype, so we could see the business in this particular office with duplexes, for example.

The next tab shows the office heat map. What we're looking at when we get to this screen is the market footprint for that company or office. This shows the areas where they operate. You can select by company or individual offices. Keep in mind that when you're looking at this screen and the previous screen.You're looking at the business done by offices in the area you select, but that is not necessarily confined to the selected geographic area. 

This map helps by showing you the reach of each office. You can go back to the previous screen to change the settings to manipulate what is being shown in this map. You can also click directly on the table below to isolate which offices heat map you are looking at.And as always, you can use the pan and zoom tools in the map toolbar to hone in on certain areas of interest to you. 

Also, don't forget that you can download any of these charts to a CSV file by clicking into the chart, clicking on download at the top of the screen and selecting crosstab. This will give you a workable format in an Excel spreadsheet.  Read about how to do this here. Or watch this video. 

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